In this post we will learn how to assemble and link a simple "Hello World" application written in x86-64 assembly for the Linux operating system. If you have experience with Intel IA-32 assembly and you want to quickly get adjusted to the x86-64 world then this post is for you. If you're trying to learn the assembly language from scratch then I'm afraid this post is not for you. There are many great resources online on 32-bit assembly. One of my favourite documents is Paul Carter's PC Assembly Language, which I highly recommend if you're moving your first steps into the assembly language. If you then decide to come back to this post, you should be able to read it with no problems, since the tools that I will employ here are the same used in Carter's book.
Table of Contents
This post is organised as follows. In the next section, I gather some details about the tools that we will use to code, assemble, link and execute the applications. As already mentioned above, most of the tools are the same as those used in Carter's book. Our assembler (and hence the syntax) will be NASM. I will make use of two linkers, ld and the one that comes with gcc, the GNU C Compiler, for reasons that will be explained later. The first x64 application that we will code will give us the chance to get familiar with the new system calls and how they differ from the 32-bit architecture. With the second one we will make use of the Standard C Library. Both examples will give us the chance to explore the x86-64 calling convention as set out in the System V Application Binary Interface.
All the code shown in this post will also be available from my GitHub repository. The following button will take you directly to the right place.
The Netwide Assembler is arguably the most popular assembler for the Linux Operating System and it is an open-source project. Its documentation is nicely written and explains all the features of the language and of the (dis)assembler. This post will try to be as much self-contained as possible, but whenever you feel the need to explore something a bit more, the NASM documentation will probably be the right place. To assemble a 64-bit application we will need to use the command
The flag -f elf64 instructs NASM that we want to create a 64-bit ELF object file. The flag -o myapp.o tells the assembler that we want the output object file to be myapp.o in the current directory, whereas myapp.asm specifies the name of the source file containing the NASM code to be assembled.
When an application calls functions from shared libraries it is necessary to link our object file to them so that it knows where to find them. Even if we are not using any external libraries, we still need to invoke the linker in order to obtain a valid executable file. The typical usage of ld that we will encounter in this post is
This is enough to produce a valid executable when we are not linking our object file myapp.o against any external shared library or any other object file. Occasionally, depending on your distribution, you will have to specify which interpreter you want to use. This is a library which, for ELF executables, acts as a loader. It loads the application in memory, as well as the required linked shared libraries. On Ubuntu 16.04, the right 64-bit interpreter is at /lib64/ and therefore my invocation of ld will look like
Some external shared libraries are designed to work with C. It is then advisable to include a main function in the assembly source code since the Standard C Library will take care of some essential cleanup steps when the execution returns from it. Cases where one might want to opt for this approach are when the application works with file descriptors and/or spawns child processes. We will see an example of this situation in a future tutorial on assembly and Gtk+. For the time being, we shall limit ourselves to see how to use the GNU C Compiler to link our object file with other object files (and in particular with libc). The typical usage of gcc will be something like
which is very much similar to ld.
Hello Syscalls!
In this first example we will make use of the Linux system calls to print the string Hello World! to the screen. Here is where we encounter a major difference between the 32-bit and the 64-bit Linux world.
But before we get to that, let's have a look at what is probably the most important difference between the 32-bit and the 64-bit architecture: the registers. The number of the general purpose registers (GPRs for short) has doubled and now have a maximum size of ... well ... 64-bit. The old EAX, EBX, ECX etc... are now the low 32-bit of the larger RAX, RBX, RCX etc... respectively, while the new 8 GPRs are named R8 to R15. The prefix R stands for, surprise, surprise, register. This seems like a sensible decision, since this is in line with many other CPU manufacturers. Further details can be found in Chapter 11 of the NASM documentation and in this Intel white.
Let's now move back to system calls. Unix systems and derivatives do not make use of software interrupts, with the only exception of INT 0x80, which on 32-bit systems is used to make system calls. A system call is a way to request a service from the kernel of the operating system. Most C programmers don't need to worry about them, as the Standard C Library provides wrappers around them. The x86_64 architecture introduced the dedicated instruction syscall in order to make system calls. You can still use interrupts to make system calls, but syscall will be faster as it does not access the interrupt descriptor table.
The purpose of this section is to explore this new opcode with an example. Without further ado, let's dive into some assembly code. The following is the content of my hello64.asm file.
global _start ; ; CONSTANTS ; SYS_WRITE equ 1 SYS_EXIT equ 60 STDOUT equ 1 ; ; Initialised data goes here ; SECTION .data hello db "Hello World!", 10 ; char * hello_len equ $-hello ; size_t ; ; Code goes here ; SECTION .text _start: ; syscall(SYS_WRITE, STDOUT, hello, hello_len); mov rax, SYS_WRITE mov rdi, STDOUT mov rsi, hello mov rdx, hello_len syscall push rax ; syscall(SYS_EXIT, <sys_write return value> - hello_len); mov rax, SYS_EXIT pop rdi sub rdi, hello_len syscall
Lines 1, 13, 20 and 22 are part of the skeleton of any NASM source code. With line 1 we export the symbol _start, which defines the entry point for the application, i.e. the point in where the execution starts from. The actual symbol is declared on line 22, and line 24 will be the fist one to be executed.
In lines 6 to 8 we define some constants to increase the readability of the code. The price to pay is that NASM will export these symbols as well, thus increasing the size of the final executable file. I will discuss how to deal with this later on in this post. For the time being, let's focus on the rest of the code.
Line 13 marks the beginning of the initialised data section. Here we define strings and other immediate values. In this case we only need to define the "Hello World!\n" string (10 is the ASCII code for the newline character \n) and label it hello. Line 15 defines a constant equals to the length of the string, and this is accomplished by subtracting the address of the label hello from the current address, given by $ in NASM syntax.
The .text section, where the actual code resides, starts at line 20. Here we declare the _start symbol, i.e. the entry point of the application, followed by the code to be executed. In this simple example, all we need to do is print the string to screen and then terminate the application. This means that we need to call the sys_write system call, followed by a call to sys_exit, perhaps with an exit code that will tell us whether the call to sys_write has been successful or not.
Here is our first encounter with the new syscall opcode and the x86_64 calling convention. There isn't much to say about syscall. It does what you would expect it to do, i.e. make a system call. The system call to make is specified by the value of the rax register, whereas the parameters are passed according to the already mentioned x86_64 calling convention. It is recommended that you have a look at the official documentation to fully grasp it, especially when it comes to complex calls. In a nutshell, some of the parameters are passed through registers and the rest go to the stack. The order of the registers is: rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, r9. We shall see in the next code example that, when we call a C function, we should use rcx instead of r10. Indeed, the latter is only used for the Linux kernel interface, while the former is used in all the other cases.
On line 23 we have a comment that shows us the equivalent C code for a call to sys_write. Its "signature" is the following.
SYS_WRITE 1 | ||||||
Parameters | ||||||
Return value | ||||||
The number of bytes of the pointed string written on the file descriptor. |
The number that appears on the top right corner is the code associated to the system call (compare this with line 6 above), and by convention this goes into the rax register (see line 24). Since sys_write requires 3 integer parameters we only need the registers rdi, rsi and rdx, in this order. Therefore, the file descriptor, the standard output in this case, will go in rdi, the address of the first byte of the string will go in rsi while its length will be loaded into rdx (lines 25 to 27).
In order to make the actual system call we can now use the new opcode syscall. The return value, namely the number of bytes written by sys_write in this case, is returned in the rax register. With line 29 we save the return value in the stack in order to use it as an exit code to be passed to sys_exit.
Since the application has done everything that needed to be done, i.e. print a string to standard output, we are ready to terminate the execution of the main process. This is achieved by making the exit system call, whose "signature" is the following.
SYS_EXIT60 | ||
Parameters | ||
Return value | ||
This system call does not return. |
With line 32 we load the code of sys_exit into the rax register in preparation for the system call. As error code, we might want to return 0 if sys_write has done its job properly, i.e. if it has written all the expected number of bytes, and something else otherwise. The simplest way to achieve this is by subtracting the string length from the return value of sys_write. Remember that we stored the latter in the stack, so it is now time to retrieve it. The first and only argument of sys_exit must go in rdi, so we might as well pop the sys_write return value in there directly, and this is precisely what line 33 does. On line 34 we subtract the length of the string from rdi, so that if sys_write has written all the expected number of bytes, rdi will now be 0. The last instruction on line 35 is the syscall opcode that will make the system call and terminate the execution.
All right, time now to assemble, link and execute the above code.
This will assemble the source code of hello64.asm into the object file hello64.o, while the linker will finish off the job by linking the interpreter to the object file and produce the ELF64 executable. To run the application, simply type
If you also want to display the exit code to make sure the executable is behaving as expected we could use
and, on screen, we should now see
Apart from the fun, another reason to write assembly code is that you can shrink the size of the executable file. Let's check how big hello64 is at this stage
A kilobyte seems a bit excessive for an assembly application that only prints a short string on screen. The reason of such a bloated executable is in the symbol table created by NASM. This plays an important role inside our ELF file in case we'd need to link it with other object files. You can see all the symbols stored in the elf file with
Assuming that we are not planning of doing this with our simple Hello World example, we strip the symbol table off hello64 with
If we now check the file size again, this is what we get
i.e. less than half the original size. Looking at the symbol table again, this is what we get now:
Observe that we can obtain the same result with the -s switch to the linker we decide to use, that is, either ld or gcc. Thus, for example,
will produce an ELF executable that lacks the symbol table completely.
The possibility of removing symbols from an ELF file gives us the chance of defining the constants for the system calls once and for all. In my GitHub repository you can find the file where I have defined all the system calls together with their associated ID, and the "signature" of each on a comment line. With the help of this file, our source code would look like this
global _start %include "../" ; ; CONSTANTS ; STDOUT equ 1 ; ; Initialised data goes here ; SECTION .data hello db "Hello World!", 10 ; char * hello_len equ $-hello ; size_t ; ; Code goes here ; SECTION .text _start: ; syscall(SYS_WRITE, STDOUT, hello, hello_len); mov rax, SYS_WRITE mov rdi, STDOUT lea rsi, [hello] mov rdx, hello_len syscall push rax ; syscall(SYS_EXIT, <sys_write return value> - hello_len); mov rax, SYS_EXIT pop rdi sub rdi, hello_len syscall
Note the inclusion of the file at line 3, assumed to be stored in the parent folder of the one containing the assembly source code, and the only constant STDOUT at line 8.
If you do not need symbols in the final ELF file, you can just remove the symbol table completely with the previous command. However, if you want to retain some, but get rid of the one associated to constants that are meaningful to just your source code, you can add a -N <symbol name> (e.g. strip -N STDOUT hello64) switch to strip for each symbol you want dropped. To automate this when using, one can execute the following (rather long) command
on the ELF executable.
Finally, let's verify that all we really have is pure assembly code, i.e. that our application doesn't depend on external shared objects:
In this case, this output is telling us that hello64 is not linked to any other shared object files.
Hello libc!
We shall now rewrite the above Hello World! example and let the Standard C Library take care of the output operation. That is, we won't deal with system calls directly, we shall instead delegate a higher abstraction layer, the Standard C Library, do that for us. Furthermore, with this approach, we will also delegate some basic clean-up involving, e.g., open file descriptor, child processes etc..., which we would have to deal with otherwise. For a simple application like a Hello World! this last point is pretty much immaterial, but we will see in another post on GUIs with Gtk+ 3 the importance of waiting for child processes to terminate an application gracefully.
So the code we want to write is the assembly analogue of the following C code
#include <stdio.h> int main() { return printf("Hello World!\n") - 13; }
Inside the main function, we call printf to print the string on screen and then use its return value, decreased by the string length, as exit code. Thus, if printf writes all the bytes of our string, we get 0 as exit code, meaning that the call has been successful.
The didactic importance of this example resides in the use of the variadic function printf. The System V ABI specifies that, when calling a variadic function, the register rax should hold the number of XMM registers used for parameter passing. In this case, since we are just printing a string, we are not passing any other arguments apart from the location of the first character of the string, and therefore we need to set rax to zero. With all these considerations, the assembly analogue of the above C code will look like this
global main extern printf ; ; Initialised data goes here ; SECTION .data hello db "Hello World!", 10, 0 ; const char * hello_len equ $ - hello ; size_t ; ; Code goes here ; SECTION .text ; int main () main: ; return printf(hello) - hello_len; lea rdi, [hello] xor rax, rax call printf sub rax, hello_len
On line 1 we export the main symbol, which will get called by the libc framework. On line 3 we instruct NASM that our application uses an external symbol, i.e. the variadic function printf. There is nothing new to say about the .data section, that starts at line 8. The code, however, is quite different. On line 17 we declare the label main, which marks the entry point of the C main function. We do not need local variables no access the standard argument of main, namely argc and argv, so we do not create a local stack frame. Instead, we go straight to calling printf. We load the string address in the rdi register (line 19), set the rax register to zero (line 20), since we are not passing any arguments by the XMM registers, and finally call the printf function. On the last line we subtract the string length, hello_len, from the return value of printf.
Assuming the above code resides in the file hello64_libc.asm, we can assemble and link it with
The ELF executable I get on my machine is 8696 bytes in size, and 6328 without the symbol table. If we thought 1048 was too much for a simple Hello World application, the libc example is 8 times bigger. And without symbols, you can see that we are wasting about 8K by relying on the Standard C Library.
A somewhat intermediate approach is to drop the main function and only use the printf function from libc. The advantage is a reduced file size, since our executable only depends on the Standard C Library. However, as discussed above, we lose an important clean-up process that can be convenient, if not necessary, at times.
global _start %include "../" extern printf ; ; Initialised data goes here ; SECTION .data hello db "Hello World!", 10, 0 ; const char * hello_len equ $ - hello - 1 ; size_t ; ; Code goes here ; SECTION .text _start: ; printf(hello) - hello_len; lea rdi, [hello] xor rax, rax call printf sub rax, hello_len ; syscall(SYS_EXIT, rax - hello_len) push rax mov rax, SYS_EXIT pop rdi syscall
Note how, on lines 1 and 18, we removed the main function and reintroduced the _start symbol to tell NASM where the entry point is. Thus, execution of our application now starts at line 20. Here we prepare to call the printf function from libc (lines 20 to 22), we compute the exit code (line 23) and we store it in the stack. Now there is no Standard C Library framework to terminate the execution for us, since we cannot return from the non-existent main function, and therefore we have to make a call to SYS_EXIT ourselves (lines 26 to 29).
Assuming this code resides in the file hello64_libc2, we assemble and link with the commands
Checking the file size, this is what I get on my machine now
i.e. about 1/3 of the "full" libc example above. There is something we can still do with strip, namely determine which sections are not needed. After linking with ld, the ELF I get has the following sections
By trials and errors, I have discovered that I can get rid of .hash, .gnu.version and .eh_frame while still getting a valid ELF executable that does its job. To get rid of these sections one can use the command
which yields an executable of 1832 bytes.
With the above examples, we have seen that, if our real goal is that of coding a Hello World application meant to run on an architecture with the x86_64 instruction set, assembly is the best shot we have. Chances are, if you are coding an application, it is more complex than just printing a string on screen. Even pretending for a moment that you don't care about the portability of your code, there are certainly some benefits from linking your application with gcc and letting the Standard C Library do some clean-up work for you. We will have the chance to see this last point from a close-up perspective in a future post. So take this current post as a reference point where you can look back when you need to recall the basics of writing a 64-bit assembly application for the Linux OS.
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