Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to fix a double clicking Logitech MX1000 wireless laser mouse

I've got an almost 7 years old Logitech MX1000 wireless laser mouse. After a few years from the purchase I started experiencing a rather annoying issue: every now and then a single click was followed by a quick misfired second double click. So it became hard to accomplish simple tasks like moving or resizing a window with this mouse. Now I have decided that I had enough and I started looking for a solution. Googling around it turns out that this is a very common problem among Logitech mouse users, e.g. [1, 2]. As you can read from those posts, you have basically two roads: either your mouse is still covered by the warranty period and therefore you can ask for a replacement, or you fix it by yourself (of course you can always choose to throw your Logitech mouse away and go for a replacement, but I won't discuss this option here :P)

As you can easily deduce from above, my mouse is of course out of warranty, so in this post I'll tell you how I fixed my MX1000 mouse. All you really need is a screwdriver to "crack open" your mouse. Start by revealing the 4 screws from the bottom of your mouse: a pair is located under the sticky plastic oval-shaped supports near the charging pins; the other pair of screws one is under the label with the electrical characteristics of the device. Of course you have to pierce this label in order to access the screws, and this would be the proof that you have tampered with your mouse. As a precaution I'd suggest you use your mouse until the battery is dried out and then switch it off before opening it.

Once you have managed to open your mouse, the first thing you might want to do is to remove as much dust and dirt as possible from the inside (especially in the area around the wheel). Then the last step, as suggested by the user jlohnes in [2] (yeah I know it's a different mouse, but the behaviour is the same, and as you have noticed you still have to open your mouse in order to remove the battery. But hopefully this won't be necessary, keep reading!), is to drain any residual static charge accumulated in your mouse, particularly in the area around the faulty button (the left one in my case). With a metallic screwdriver touch as many metal parts and exposed circuitry you can. Play a wee bit with the buttons and finally carefully close your mouse to its original state.

Now it's time to test the job: switch the mouse on, put it on charge and wait until fully charged. Then remove it from the charger and start using your mouse again. Hopefully you'll be as lucky as I've been and your mouse will be as good as new!

Hope this helped. Feel free to leave any comments or feedbacks below!




  1. John Doe from GermanyMay 17, 2013 at 10:58 AM

    Thanks Dude, this worked like a charm. Thank you so much!

  2. Can you do a youtube video?

  3. I just replaced the battery in mine (also an old one) and it's alive, but started this very behavior. Here's to hoping I just added some static in there when replacing the battery. Thanks for being clever and generous enough to put this out to the world. Love this mouse and wasn't thrilled to possibly be losing it again.

  4. Strange. This didn't happen to me, till after I changed my battery. Not immediately, I don't think - but after for sure.
